Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Journal Entry: Chapter 2

        The quote or i should say encouragement, "Without pain, how could we know joy?" Is an encouragement that would help you look at the positive in a bad situation. I can relate to that in some way. The time my grandmother died, i was in a bad mood and in a lot of pain. If i didn't feel that i don't think I will be able to remember the good times we had. Another time was when i almost lost my life at the beach. Ever since that day I learned how good life was and to enjoy yourself. In the book Hazel and Augustus are going through a tough time but they are having fun with each other while they can. Another encouragement in chapter 2 that i liked was, "Good friends are hard to find and impossible to forget." This quote encouragement is true i don't think I will be able to say it any better. It means it would take time to find someone you could trust, relate to and get along with. When you do it’s really hard to forget who they are if the two of you stop talking. It’s like the time i had a best friend and we were very close. One day we got into an argument and we never spoke again. I still remember her and everything we did. To me i think if Hazel and Augustus stopped talking to each other that would be on their mind all day, every day.